Living Under a Green Light
Let’s say you want a Spirit-led company – meaning you want to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you lead your company and you want a culture where this is true for your team as well? At the same time, you may have a lot of anxiety about how unconventional this is, how it will actually look and how much pushback you’ll get from some team members who may not see it as a practical way to run a business.
This could be a scary decision even though you feel the Lord calling you to this. The thoughts below may not make your decision any easier, but they may help you understand why and how to proceed.
The Why
The goal of our salvation, and ultimately of our companies, is to fully express the Holy Spirit each day and to represent him accurately before the world so that all people (employees, customers, suppliers etc.) will be drawn to him through us. That is a remarkable mandate, but God expects that from us, and he also expects us to do it more perfectly every year (Matthew 5:48)?
The How
What if we get it wrong or it doesn’t work? For instance, how do we deal with decisions and opportunities when we haven’t learned what the Bible says about them or if the Bible speaks of them at all? Should we always seek out someone who knows the Bible better to tell us what to do? That doesn’t seem very practical.
Just as a parent would not criticize or punish their toddler for making mistakes while learning to walk and talk, God is exceedingly patient with us when we are learning these same basic Christian skills. He will instead encourage us to keep going and knowing that with each mistake we will get better at living up to our potential for expressing him and representing him. He will even protect from the consequences of bad decisions when we make them in good faith.
I refer to the Christian life as living under a green light. I used to live under a red light meaning I was often paralyzed from making decisions that I thought might not align with God’s will for me. That belief stunted my growth for decades.
I have learned that Christians are to live under a green light where we speak and act as we sense the Lord is leading us in the moment and we’re looking for yellow lights that would cause us to slow down and think a little more about our path or red lights where we know for certain we are out of our depth and we need to stop and wait for his direction, which is often found in godly counsel from others.
The Result
If you sense the Lord drawing you onto the path of Spirit-led leadership, he will be generous in validating his intentions for you. God is never in a hurry and you don’t need to be either.
The transition for your company may be rough or smooth, but either way, if this is what the Lord has for you then it will be accomplished by his Spirit not in your power.
The key to your success in business will not be found in a brilliant marketing campaign or finding the perfect team, the key will be how well you follow the Spirit’s lead. He may then give you a brilliant marketing campaign and the perfect team, but it will be by his Spirit not by your power.
It is important that you know that the team you have was prepared for you from the beginning of time. Some may stay with you while others may not, but the Lord’s purposes will prevail.
If you stay on the course that he has you on he will ensure that you and your company express him and represent him perfectly and you’ll enjoy life under a green light along the way.
If you also believe that you and your business are called for a much higher purpose, contact us to learn more about this journey. The Effective Leader is more than a training platform—it’s a movement of Christian business owners committed to building businesses that honor God, stand apart from the world’s system and to prepare many for the Lord’s return.
We train Christian business leaders to build successful companies while being guided by the Holy Spirit rather than after the pattern of this world.
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